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Genres in Fiction Self-Publishing

In this article, I ask ChatGPT about genres. Common genres in fiction are also applicable to genres in fiction self-publishing.

What ChatGPT Says about genres in fiction:

Q: Please give me a list of genres

Here is a list of some common genres in fiction:

Adventure: stories that involve a journey, search, or quest, often with a hero or group of heroes facing danger and overcoming obstacles.

Fantasy: stories set in an imaginary world, often with magic, mythical creatures, and ancient legends.

Romance: stories that focus on the romantic relationship between the main characters.

Science fiction: stories set in the future or in a technological or science-based setting, often exploring the impact of science and technology on society.

Mystery: stories that involve a crime or puzzle that needs to be solved.

Horror: stories that aim to scare and thrill the reader with supernatural or terrifying elements.

Thriller: stories that create a sense of tension and suspense, often involving a crime, chase, or other dramatic event.

Historical fiction: stories set in the past, often depicting real historical events or figures.

Western: stories set in the American Old West, usually involving cowboys, Native Americans, and the expansion of the frontier.

Contemporary: stories set in the present day, often dealing with contemporary issues and societal trends.

Biographical: stories based on real people and their life experiences.

Humor: stories with comedic elements, often used to make the reader laugh.

These are some of the more common genres, but there are many more. It’s also worth noting that some books may fall into multiple genres or sub-genres.

What Anna Says:

Determining the genres of my books is actually one of my weak points. If I could find a tool that could identify my book’s genre for me, that would be great!

I gave ChatGPT my first chapter, and it correctly identified that Cupid’s Kiss was romance, sci-fi and comedy (I market the book as sci-fi rom com). So it seems promising as an automated tool for determining genre.

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