Cupid’s Kiss. For 15+.
Cupid, a 35 year old scientist, is unlucky in love but successful in his career.
When the CEO of a multinational perfume corporation asks him to develop an aphrodisiac using his trained mosquitoes, he jumps at the chance.
At the same time, the woman he’s been chatting with on an online dating app has finally agreed to meet up. But what Cupid doesn’t know is that he’s about to go from bitten to smitten.
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Bookstores (signed copies): Better Read Than Dead (Newtown, AU, Mar-Jun 2022), Galaxy Books (Sydney city, AU, Mar 2022-current).
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Cafes: Double Dose Croydon (AU), The Granary Summer Hill (AU).
Local author boxes (cards only): The Commune Project, Cafe Chichos, All Good Plate, Cafe Elation, Patio Cafe, Ergon Cafe, Flame Cafe, Fox and Bird Cafe, Unwritten Bookshop Cafe, Charlotte (AU).
Libraries: Inner West Libraries (AU), National Library of Australia.